Augmented reality as visual communication for people with ASD
Augmented reality as visual communication for people with ASD
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Menéndez, Esteban
López De Luise, María Daniela
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International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics
The goal of this paper is to present a behavioral modeling method for patients with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and an implemented prototype of it. The model is automatically derived from the natural interaction between a patient and his environment. This proposal differs from current treatments and tools, in that the individual is not trained by imposing semantic patterns, but ideograms built from the patient’s preferences and environment. By using Augmented Reality, the autistic is being treated in an innovative way: the model gathers the environment variables and through communication by exchange of images (PECS) the treatment becomes a agile, continuous and flexible process. The procedure is expedited since the patient does not have to select PECS, but they appear to him. The activity recording is them processed in such a way to control and describe the cognitive and social profile of the patient. It also, performs a customize performance statistics. Likewise, the special administration of these statistics is intended to lay the groundwork for more representative future work that could allow the derivation of umbiased patient´s evolution.
autism spectrum disorder,
augmented reality,
information and communication technology,
computational intelligence
Menéndez, Esteban, & López de Luise, María Daniela (2018). Augmented Reality as Visual Communication for People with ASD.( pp. 17-21). En: Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. 16(1).